Contiki – Surfers Paradise, Sky-Diving, Draculas – part 2

Jan 19, 2011:

The alarm clock rang early. At 7:20, some tour mates and I had to stand in the lobby. Why? Because I’m going to jump out of an aircraft at 12000 ft. altitude


Gold Coast Skydive

Well, there it’s was, the shuttle to the office of the Gold Coast Skydivers. 4 people want to jump from a aircraft which is in my perfect condition. During our trip the first two tour mates (“Jumpers”) filled out a form. That must do every jumper. When we arrived at the office, we got the first instrutions and tips. As Ellen and I, were in the second group , we could relax a little, while the first two were driving to the airport.
My partner was the experienced skydiver jumping Steve, who is also among the first people who jumped from Mount Everest.

Now it was our turn. Following an instruction and the application of the jumpsuits, we drove to the airport, only estimated 5 minutes away. The plane took off, and slowly gained altitude. After a few minutes we reached the jump height of 12000 ft. The side door opened, and Ellen and her Skydive partner slid to the right place. A few moments later I looked through the door. “Ready?” “yes”.

Tied to Steve, he pushed us off the plane. A breathtaking feeling (do not take it literally;-)). Note:I have not yet ridden any rollercoaster;-)

After some time the parachute opened and we floated over the beautiful Gold Coast. “Amazing!” For a while me let Steve steer the parachute, which is quite easy. As we approached the beach a few minutes later, Steve was preparing the landing . During the landing procedure I had to put my shoes on his shoes. Even before I realized we were already standing on the beautiful beach of the Gold Coast. Butter soft landing on the Gold Coast! A “breathtaking experience” which anybody should do. It does cost $ 425 AUD with video recording, but it’s definitely worth it!

Meanwhile, it was just before nine and They took us by shuttle to the hotel. During the ride my dad called and asked what things am I doing. ( I posted a photo on the internet shortly before). I confirmed to him that I just jumped off a plane from 12000ft.


Explore Surfers Paradise

Surfers Paradise - Shopping
Surfers Paradise - Shopping

Since I had booked no further optionals for the day, I decided to have breakfast first and then to explore Surfers Paradise.
I decided after a detailed walk through the party town of Surfers Paradise for a yummy Dark Mocha Frappuccino at Starbucks. Starbucks is part of my mandatory program, when ever I’m traveling around the world. 🙂

Surfers Paradise - Beach
Surfers Paradise - Beach

Afterwards I went for some shopping to Billabong. Yeah! Finally, in a Billabong flagship store. The day was approaching the early evening and therefore I was moving towards the hotel.


Draculas Cabaret Show

Almost all tour mates including me booked the by Justine recommended cabaret show at “Dracula’s Gold Coast”

It is “Australia’s favorite Dinner Theatre”. At the entrance we were welcomed by a creepy-looking character and had to enter the venue through a coffin-like door. After a high-priced cocktail at the bar, we went through a short ghost train into the “Theatre of the Vampire”: D We all sat around a large table, where we could enjoy the show and our more than delicious food (3 course meal) .

Before it continued properly, the vampire from the entrance announced that besides Contiki there’s also another VIP here tonight. Justin Bieber Screaming! 😉 In fact, Mr. Bieber was sitting not even 10 feet away from us and also enjoyed the show.

Unfortunately, in the entire location photography and filming is not allowed.

Therefore, here is the official TV spot for Dracula’s Gold Coast:



Dracula’s is definitely worth it’s $ 85 AUD! The food and the show including comedy and rock music parts are excellent! 2 hours High Quality Fun!

More info at 🙂