Tag Archives: Container

Contiki – Surf Camp – Byron Bay

Jan 17, 2011:

After a really excellent breakfast buffet at the Shoal Bay Resort & Spa, we continued towards Byron Bay.

However, we had a break at noon in Coffs Harbour, to eat something and fill up our drinks stocks. An Australian standard meal at McDonalds (Burger + chips) costs $ 9 AUD.


Mojos Surf Camp

In the late afternoon we arrived at Mojos surf camp “Spot X” in order to do something uniquely Australian: Surfing!

Mojos Surf Camp
Mojos Surf Camp

Yes we were warned, but it was very interesting. We should be accommodated in container like cabins for one night. Some were lucky and even had a patio door. We i.e., 2 tour mates and I got a container without a sink / toilet. Since we ,always had to , let’s say “go out”, we received a compensation. 1 Mojo Surf T-shirt and a coupon worth $ 150 AUD for photos that will be taken during our surf session ​.

Mojos Surf Camp - The Surfer's Code
Mojos Surf Camp - The Surfer's Code

Our surf session began with a brief and very funny, Introduction. Then we took our boards and went to the beautiful beach. time for dried exercise! : D
After that we went straight to the nice wet.

Unfortunately I was not really long on my board, but Australians, New Zealanders and Californians just have the home advantage. : D


Mojos Surf Camp - Dinner
Mojos Surf Camp - Dinner

In the evening we went to the buffet. It was cooked fresh for us. Really tasty! There’s something for everybody Here we also met Roxy Roxy “the crazy German”. She works here in the surf camp and clearly has fun doing it. 🙂

Night came and you could enjoy a starry sky.



Mojos Surf Camp
Mojos Surf Camp
Mojos Surf Camp - Beach
Mojos Surf Camp - Beach